Re: Some questions about Latin diacritics

From: Karl Pentzlin (
Date: Thu Jun 15 2006 - 03:24:45 CDT

  • Next message: Andreas Prilop: "Re: Glyphs for German quotation marks"

    Am Mittwoch, 14. Juni 2006 um 13:56 schrieb Philippe Verdy:

    PV> May be you have scans with higher resolution ...

    The shown specimens of the Teuthonista dialect writing systems are not the
    definitive documents anyway. These apparently are not accessible by
    Internet searches at this moment.
    As far as I know now, the precursor of the system used now was
    described first in an issue of the German periodical "Teuthonista"
    1924 or 1925 (hence the name of the system).
    The source now used by at least some users is:
    Hotzenköcherle, Rudolf, et al.: Sprachatlas der Deutschen Schweiz, 1962.

    The users are several universities in Bavaria and the state
    Baden-Württemberg which have projects for dialect databases of their
    respective regions. Also, the system is in use in Switzerland.

    An encoding of this system seems to get very interesting as it contains
    combinations and positional rules within diacritics.

    When I get the original sources I will provide more information.

    - Karl Pentzlin

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