MS shuts down Win98

From: N. Ganesan (
Date: Tue Jul 11 2006 - 09:25:37 CDT

  • Next message: Erkki Kolehmainen: "Re: accented Latin characters sort order, non-language dependant"

    MS shuts down Win98:

    Actually, this is good news for Unicode Indic.
    Take the instance of Tamil in Tamil Nadu, India.
    Not only many users users still hang onto Win98,
    but cling onto client servers like Eudora
    (which turns Unicode Indic texts sent via them
    into ???? series).

    Likewise, hope Yahoo provides good support
    for Unicode Indic in yahoogroups with search capability,
    (and hopefully reduce hacked encodings in use.
    Even right now, the 8-bit encodings for Indian languages
    such as Tamil face problems in yahoogroups, users
    indicate.) Yahoo, Inc., managers and employees
    need to be sent the UniIndic support request.

    N. Ganesan

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