From: JFC Morfin (
Date: Fri Aug 18 2006 - 15:42:16 CDT
I agree with most of what you say. Just a general comment: there are
only a few people interested in Unicode as such. Most are interested
in solving a problem they have, that in turn needs ISO 10646 and can
be helped by Unicode propositions. So, the real priority would be to
locate Unicode within a generalised and logical model of the digital
support of languages. I accept that Unicode (as a consortium) tries
to do that with CLDR, RFC 3066 Bis, ISO 639, etc.
But it should transparently explained. Globalization is only a layer
towards multilingualisation (and Unicode a globalization layer
current leading proposition). Unicode is only involved in the written
computed mode (what does not make the whole support of a language).
On 18:20 18/08/2006, Mark Davis said:
>For those who read French, there is also the excellent recent book:
>Passeport pour Unicode by Bernard Desgraupes.
>But for the issue that started off this thread -- the GTZ not using
>Unicode -- I don't think any of these books were really applicable.
>What is needed is a guide for "development agencies", which would be
>really more of a short white paper outlining the issues at a very
>high level. It'd be great if one of the people on this thread
>stepped up to the plate, and submitted a technical note on the
>topic. ( <>
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