folding UTF-8

From: Oliver Block (
Date: Thu Aug 24 2006 - 14:39:50 CDT

  • Next message: Doug Ewell: "Re: folding UTF-8"

    Hello list,

    definition C12a of Unicode Standard Version 4.0 mentions so "mangled" text
    caused by folding (last paragraph of C12a).

    Having the definition in mind (italic text at the top of C12a) I understand
    mangled text as ill-formed text, that is not according to table 3-6. Would
    you agree/disagree?

    Further, what about combining character sequences? Inserting a CRLF between a
    base character and a combining charcter or between one of the combining
    characters would not produce an ill-formed byte-sequence. Would you
    agree/disagree? (As every specification that requires folding does also
    require unfolding, this would probably be more a semantic issue.)



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