Re: Subj: MS outlook encoding & YahooGroups

From: Cristian Secară (
Date: Wed Aug 30 2006 - 01:36:11 CDT

  • Next message: Stephane Bortzmeyer: "Re: MS outlook encoding & YahooGroups"

    On Tue, 29 Aug 2006 12:27:14 -0700, Magda Danish \(Unicode\) wrote:

    > B. The basic reason for my interest and inquiry is YahooGroups.
    > YahooGroups is very popular in Turkey, and very bad with encoding. I
    > would say 30% of the mails within the country need to be "encoded" to
    > be legible.

    Yahoo and internationalization are two things that have nothing in
    It appears that they either have no interest in putting things together,
    or they lack the personnel with the proper know-how.


    Cristian Secară

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