Re: kurdish sorani

From: Philippe Verdy (
Date: Wed Aug 30 2006 - 11:41:02 CDT

  • Next message: John Hudson: "Re: kurdish sorani"

    From: "Andries Brouwer" <>
    >> Which browser do you use?
    >> In Mozilla-like browsers, choose
    >> Edit > Preferences > Appearance > Fonts >
    >> [X] Allow documents to use other fonts
    > Yes, that is indeed the present setting, but does not
    > show any variation. Now I have a few hundred fonts installed,
    > but not necessarily any with the names you invoke, so if you want
    > to show what some particular fonts do, and no such fonts are
    > present here, the demo fails.

    The demo page is indeed oriented toward Windows and Office users (because it names fonts that are provided by Microsoft). If you use another system, without these fonts, of course it will not demonstrate anything; this is just a demo for these Microsoft-provided fonts only and the problems they currently have (i don't think it is specific to the kind of Browser used, except in the users settings underlined above which may heve some influence).

    We'll not discuss here the legacy 8-bit bitmap fonts for X11 on Unix/Linux (and not even the few legacy .FON system/console fonts inherited from Windows 3.x, as they are normally not used in Windows browsers, except if specified explicitly in a web page) as they don't have any shaping behavior (this behavior, if present in the browser, is handled by the renderer implemented in the browser, when it select glyphs from multiple fonts according to font description files; but on Windows, the browsers typically use the Windows built-in renderer and Windows provides support for TrueType and a set of core TrueType fonts).

    It would be interesting to see if this occurs also on MacOSX with Office installed (because it also comes with some Microsoft fonts), or on Safari (does it remap Windows font names to MacOSX font names with similar design and metrics?)

    Your setting with hundreds of fonts installed is atypical. This suggests that your system needs lots of legacy fonts, and that you run Unix/Linux possibly without a TrueType/OpenType support built in your X11 server. Generally, you can get excellent coverage of the Unicode repertoire with about 20-30 correctly selected fonts, in addition to a handful of core and system fonts with generic usage for your own language.

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