Salish-Kootenay keyboards

From: William J Poser (
Date: Mon Sep 18 2006 - 23:12:29 CDT

  • Next message: Asmus Freytag: "Re: Unicode & space in programming & l10n"

    A fact to consider in evaluating these keyboards is
    that both Flathead (= Montana Salish) and Kootenai
    are languages in extremis, with very few speakers, all
    elderly, and no realistic prospect of revitalization.
    I'm not positive about Kootenai, but I am certain that
    there are no monolingual speakers of Flathead, or even
    people who are Flathead dominant. Therefore, everyone
    who will be typing in Flathead, and in all probability
    this also holds of Kootenai, will be dominant in English
    and educated in English. I don't have sufficient expertise
    in keyboard-ology to know the implications of this, but
    these are languages for which the best keyboards (in a technical
    sense, leaving aside political issues) will be those
    comfortable for people who learn to type in English and
    type primarily in English.


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