From: Eric Muller (
Date: Thu Sep 21 2006 - 02:03:48 CDT
> Guy Steele <Guy dot Steele at sun dot com> wrote:
>> And when was the last time you used TRAC, or SNOBOL, or JOVIAL, or
>> COMIT, or MADCAP, or JOSS, or FOCAL, or PPL, or ECL, or PL/I, or RPG,
>> or MODULA-3 (let alone MODULA)?
Don't forget the other precursors to Modula-3: Mesa, Cedar, Modula-2,
Modula-2+ and Modula-2+ε. Ah, the good old days. By the way, thanks to
Sun for the culmination of all this in Java.And what about CLU and
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