From: Philippe Verdy (
Date: Wed Sep 27 2006 - 12:04:45 CST
From: "Otto Stolz" <>
> Philippe Verdy schrieb:
>> if only a isolated ZWNBSP character could be treated
>> as void in HTML renderers, like are most spaces;
>> my opinion is that ZWNBSP should be made fully ignorable
>> everywhere in a document by HTML parsers
> Why should everybody else work around Microsoft's faults?
> If only Microsoft would get their software to comply with
> their own conventions! They have chosen to use the BOM
> as an encoding signature (aka "magic bytes"), throughout
> Windows XP; hence, their programs, notably IIS, should
> treat it as such, viz.
> - derive the HTTP charset parameter from it,
> - remove it from the beginning of included files,
> - check it for correspondence between all files merged
> into one single HTML source.
> As long as Microsoft has not yet done their homework,
Read the MSDN resources about how to properly set the encoding to handle the case of SSI with UTF-encoded files with BOMs.
And don't use a SSI API which was not designed to implement filters but more generally to embed any arbitrary BLOB (for example the PHP's include() function). There are tons of APIs available for server-side scripting; look for them and use the appropriate one when you need to create conforming HTML and not arbitrary BLOBs.
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