Misuse of encoded characters (was: "Re: Creative commons' license symbols")

From: António Martins-Tuválkin (tuvalkin@gmail.com)
Date: Fri Nov 24 2006 - 00:38:42 CST

  • Next message: António Martins-Tuválkin: "Re: Creative commons' license symbols"

    On 2006.11.22, 22:31, Kenneth Whistler <kenw@sybase.com> wrote:

    > If I chose to take the Creative Commons Noncommercial symbol (the
    > backslashed circle over a dollar sign), which they use very explicitly
    > in particular licenses, and hijacked it to start advertising links to a
    > tax protest site, or to a bunch of anarchists advocating the bombing of
    > banks, I'd probably be hearing shortly from a CC lawyer wanting to deal
    > with misappropriation of their IP rights
    > Symbols for encoding as characters in Unicode cannot be encumbered with
    > some particular group's claim to control their exact shape, appearance,
    > meaning, function, and usage rights.

    How does this hinder the chances for encoding? After all, the said
    misusers instead of waiting for the said symbol to be added to Unicode
    could just start using today U+0024 U+20E0 instead. Then what? How would
    this be different than a new, sigle character?

    Hey, if someone misuses U+FDF2 I bet s/he'll have to deal with very angry
    people. Not to mention U+271D and many such symbols. But how does that
    affects the standard?

    -- ____.
    António MARTINS-Tuválkin | ()|
    <antonio@tuvalkin.web.pt> |####|
    Estrada de Benfica, 692-c/v d.ta Não me invejo de quem tem |
    PT-1500-111 LISBOA carros, parelhas e montes |
    +351 934 821 700, +351 217 150 939 só me invejo de quem bebe |
    ICQ:193279138 http://tuvalkin.web.pt/ a água em todas as fontes |

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