Re: Fwd: Creative commons' license symbols

From: Michael Everson (
Date: Fri Nov 24 2006 - 05:40:51 CST

  • Next message: Stephane Bortzmeyer: "Re: Fwd: Creative commons' license symbols"

    At 12:16 +0100 2006-11-24, Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:

    >AFAIK, that would be a *big* policy change for Unicode. Until now, you
    >just needed to demonstrate an actual *use*.

    Are these used in text other than online text?

    >Now, you would need to demonstrate a *widespread* use? Such an
    >policy, applied a few years ago, would have seriously reduced the
    >size of the Unicode set.

    Sometimes the policy isn't very hard to understand. I still don't
    know why the LITTER DUDE is not encoded.

    >For instance, N'ko would never have been encoded (it is just used by a
    >few activists).

    This is untrue. There are many schools in West Africa which teach
    N'Ko. I have been to one in Bamako.

    >Encoding requests are very often accompanied by political statements
    >(the N'ko is, again, a good example). Unicode should be about the
    >facts (charecters in use), not about what you think of the political
    >agenda of the people who request it.

    N'Ko was not encoded for "political" reasons.

    Michael Everson *

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