Re: ZWJ, ZWNJ and VS in Latin and other Greek-derived scripts

From: Philippe Verdy (
Date: Mon Feb 05 2007 - 09:40:33 CST

  • Next message: António Martins-Tuválkin: "Re: U+00BA and U+00AA"

    From: +ACI-Otto Stolz+ACI-
    +AD4- Salve,
    +AD4- Philippe Verdy schrieb:
    +AD4APg- The most +ACI-common+ACI- exception is in the word +ACI-caetera+ACI- in the Latin expression +ACI-et caetera+ACI-,
    +AD4- The Latin word is +ACI-cetera+ACI-: +ACI-Et cetera+ACI- means +ACI-and +AFs-the+AF0- remaining +AFs-issues/things+AF0AIg-.
    +AD4- Latin +ACI-caetra+ACI- is a ligth (spanish) shield+ADs- there is no +ACI-caetera+ACI-, in Latin, as far
    +AD4- as I know.

    You're wrong. +ACI-Caetera+ACI- is the plural of +ACI-caeterus+ACI-, a perfect Latin word, which was traditionally written with a ligature in the middle age, and this persists today in French. I don't know about the word +ACI-caetra+ACI-, which may be completely unrelated.

    Make some Google search to find many linguistic references, as well as many uses in French, including in book titles (many authors), song titles (the most wellknown from Serge Gainsbourg, for his version of the French anthem +ACI-La Marseillaise+ACI-, renamed +ACI-Aux armes, et caetera+ACI-), trademarks and shop names, cultural event names (festivals), university papers (including linguistic departments), articles from the French Ministry of Culture...

    The only differences is about the presence or absence of the ligation, but the +ACI-ae+ACI- pair is real (not only in France, in Canada too).

    And finaly look into common dictionnaries...

    And this paper (from a union of professional correctors) will finally convice you:

    This orthograph is attested in the judiciary Latin language in lots of acts, up to around 1539, before the transition to vernacular French. In fact you'll see in old latin text the graphy +ACI-Et Caeetera+ACI-, where the +ACI-ae+ACI- ligature is followed by another +ACI-e+ACI-.

    Another bibliographic reference: +ACI-le Dictionnaire encyclop+AOk-dique de la noblesse de France+ACI-, Nicolas Viton de Saint-Allais (1773-1842), Paris, 1816.

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