Tally marks (was: Re: missing symbol?)

From: Doug Ewell (dewell@adelphia.net)
Date: Sat Feb 10 2007 - 13:17:25 CST

  • Next message: Philippe Verdy: "Re: Query for Validity of Thai Sequence"

    Richard Wordingham <richard dot wordingham at ntlworld dot com> wrote:

    > And what about six to ten? I sometimes remember to stack them in
    > pairs to simplify the conversion to decimal.

    That would be a layout problem.

    > Are they definitely characters, rather than illustrations? One
    > doesn't normally report the results by means of tallies, but instead
    > one uses normal numerals.

    If the Aegean numbers from U+10107 through U+10133 are worthy of
    encoding—and I'm not saying they aren't—then I would think the tally
    marks fall into the same category. I'm not sure U+007C is well-suited
    for the "one" symbol either.

    Doug Ewell  *  Fullerton, California, USA  *  RFC 4645  *  UTN #14

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