Re: Query for Validity of Thai Sequence

From: Richard Wordingham (
Date: Fri Feb 16 2007 - 03:10:32 CST

  • Next message: Lokesh Joshi: "Re: Query for Validity of Thai Sequence"

    Lokesh Joshi wrote on Friday, February 16, 2007 8:52 AM
    Subject: Re: Query for Validity of Thai Sequence

    >I see a very stange way vista works with illegal THAI, keeps on collating
    > the dependents one over another...

    It's displaying exactly what you typed in, and in such a way that you can
    see what you typed in. What's strange about that?

    Incidentally, how is Vista supposed to know you're typing in Thai, and not
    Bru or Chong or even your own invented language? What if you chose to
    transliterate Khmer robat to Thai as double thanthakhat? (That's not
    totally crazy - Cambodians have a tendency to confuse robat and their own
    equivalent of thanthakhat.)


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