Re: BOCU-1 spec

From: Asmus Freytag (
Date: Mon Feb 19 2007 - 16:21:00 CST

  • Next message: Doug Ewell: "Re: BOCU-1 spec"

    On 2/19/2007 10:13 AM, Lisa Moore wrote:
    >> and there has been at least one
    >> documented issue with a licence refusal.
    > This is a misstatement. There has been no refusal. We did have an issue
    > of non-responsiveness and we have addressed that, but there has been no
    > refusal.
    Correct, the term 'refusal' was an incorrect choice or term and a bit
    unfortunate. It implies both a finality of outcome which does not meet
    the actual situation, and it suggested that the actions/inactions by the
    IP holder were in fact intentional whereas it appears they were not.
    (For the details of the case in question, they are in the archives, so I
    won't repeat them here).

    I'm sure the overall comfort level would be much higher if someone where
    to report about a success in getting a license (and perhaps some of the
    details of the terms thereof).


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