Re: Characters consisting of vertical lines; Possible attempts to encode tally marks

From: Richard Wordingham (
Date: Wed Feb 28 2007 - 15:58:12 CST

  • Next message: William J Poser: "missing CJK character?"

    Guy Steele wrote on Wednesday, February 28, 2007 7:53 PM

    > While you all are at it, you may want to investigate the other
    > two systems of tally marks described in the Wikipedia article
    > on tally marks:

    We used a variant of the South American system at work for out coffee
    swindle. We were supposed to add a cross rather than a single stroke for
    the fifth item, but several people used the cross within the box for '6'.

    I like the Hanakapiai Beach warning sign in the Wikipedia article. Would
    one want to quote it in plain text?


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