Re: hexatridecimal internationalisation

From: Hans Aberg (
Date: Tue Jun 19 2007 - 08:24:00 CDT

  • Next message: Otto Stolz: "Re: hexatridecimal internationalisation"

    On 19 Jun 2007, at 14:29, JFC Morfin wrote:

    > Sorry for the delay in answering this but I have been tied into an
    > incredible dispute at ISO.

    It might be wise to enter your question at a time when you can attend
    the attmempts by others to help. :-)

    > Hans, my problem is very simple. I have H7 Hexatridecimal (295 in
    > decimal) in ASCII, how do I write it in Greek or Arab characters.

    To me, you have given too little information as to what properties
    you want your number representation to have. You have an integer, and
    somehow want to represent it in base 36 using either Greek or Arab
    letters. One way to write base 36 is to use the numbers 0-9 plus the
    English letters A-Z. So it seems that you somehow want to get hold of
    26 Greek or Arab letters to do it. It might help if you tell
    something about the point of it.

       Hans Aberg

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