Re: Western musical symbols font

From: Marnen Laibow-Koser (
Date: Mon Sep 17 2007 - 07:40:12 CDT

  • Next message: Alan Wood: "RE: Western musical symbols font"

    On Sep 17, 2007, at 4:59 AM, Raymond Mercier wrote:

    > Marnen Laibow-Koser writes
    >> copyist, I hope that the situation will change). However, there
    >> are plenty of non-Unicode music fonts out there, and some will
    >> contain these symbols. Perhaps your best bet is to use a font
    >> editor* to simply copy the appropriate glyph into the right slot...
    >> * Fontforge is good, powerful, and free.
    > This of course cheerfully ignores any claim to copyright in those
    > non-Unicode fonts.

    Quite true. I do not think that the act of moving glyphs
    (unmodified) to different code points violates the *spirit* of
    copyright regulations, at least if one does not distribute or claim
    authorship of the resulting font. YMMV.

    > Regards,
    > Raymond Mercier


    Marnen Laibow-Koser

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