Introducing Unicode in E-mail to the average user

From: Dawn Light (
Date: Wed Feb 06 2008 - 14:11:35 CST

  • Next message: Leo Broukhis: "Re: Allocation of Georgian letters"

    Hello. In my community we communicate via E-mail regularly and so the encoding
    problem is, as usual, irritating. The difference is that in the case of our
    community, I have a chance to make a difference.

    I want to inform my community of Unicode and supply them with instructions on
    how to make their E-mail clients use UTF-8.

    Most of them, like most people, aren't knowledgeable about information
    technologies and most of them use web mail such as google mail, yahoo and

    Are there any documents available that explain Unicode to the average user?
    What about instructions on how to make the E-mail clients use UTF-8?

    Dawn Light | שחר אור
    Phone number: +972 09 774 0646
    ICQ UIN: 50866262
    Windows Live ID (Formerly MSN):

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