RE: Combining marks with two letters

From: Peter Constable (
Date: Tue Feb 12 2008 - 11:36:47 CST

  • Next message: John Hudson: "Re: Combining marks with two letters"

    > From: [] On
    > Behalf Of "André Szabolcs Szelp"

    > However, there is at least one orthography which places a "simple"
    > diacritic centered on a digraph (*without* an additional double-width
    > diacritic)...

    Sometime last year, UTC considered a similar case involving an orthography for a language in (IIRC) Panama, and the decision was that this should be handled as a contextual kerning adjustment -- no additional characters needed to be encoded. Of course, that implies specially-designed fonts.

    If that is not adequate for the case you've mentioned, you might submit a proposal for some other solution.


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