reg: Unicode Conformance

From: erra srikrishna (
Date: Sun Feb 17 2008 - 23:25:38 CST

  • Next message: Rick McGowan: "Re: reg: Unicode Conformance"

    Hi all,
             I need clarification for following Unicode Conformance clause (Unicode 5.0).
      C11 ---> When a process interprets a byte sequence which purports to be in a Unicode character encoding scheme, it shall interpret that byte sequence according to the byte order and specifications for the use of the byte order mark established by this standard for that character encoding scheme.
      My Understanding for above cluase is
      For UTF16 encoding scheme, BOM specifies that how a file should be serialized i.e, if BOM=FEFF then this file should use big-endian byte serialization (most significant byte first) or if BOM=FFFE then this file should use little-endian byte serialization (least significant byte first) and the unmarked form (No BOM) uses big-endian byte serialization by default.
      So LE & BE input files are supposed to be processed on LE & BE platforms respectively. when worng endianess input scripts are given i.e LE script on BE platform and vice versa, application should terminate with an error.
      Here one of my application is allowing BE scripts on LE platforms and vice versa. so i need clarification.
      Please clarify me, if i am wrong.
      Srikrishna Erra.

    Krishna E

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