RE: What is a Chinese font?

From: Murray Sargent (
Date: Mon Feb 25 2008 - 20:05:23 CST

  • Next message: James Kass: "Re: What is a Chinese font?"

    Be sure to include a proper FONTSIGNATURE in your font. RichEdit (and maybe Word), check the FONTSIGNATURE and font bind accordingly. If you don't have a proper FONTSIGNATURE, it may be considered a Western font. Also Word may spot check for a few Chinese characters before concluding that it's a valid Chinese font.


    -----Original Message-----
    From: [] On Behalf Of
    Sent: Monday, February 25, 2008 4:39 PM
    Subject: What is a Chinese font?

    In the process of preparing a document for unicode related work I made the attached small font containing 19 cjk glyphs. On linux the font functions as expected, however when installed on windunicode@unicode.orgows XP (Chinese version), in both word and wordpad the font is considered by the system to be a western font and therefore can not be used for cjk characters.

    My question then are, "How does windows decide whether a font is Chinese or not? What needs to be added to this font."


    John Knightley

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