RE: What is a Chinese font?

Date: Tue Feb 26 2008 - 04:17:05 CST

  • Next message: "Re: [unicode] What is a Chinese font?"

    Thank-you for all the advice, this is very useful.

    The font was made using Fontforge - the nearest thing I can find to a
    FONTSIGNATURE are the unicode ranges. These appear to be set
    automatically based on the glyphs in the font.

    A much larger font made in much the same way is accepted as a Chinese font.


    Quoting Murray Sargent <>:

    > Have to admit, I don't know how the font encodes the FONTSIGNATURE,
    > but you can read about this structure at
    > It
    > does include the Unicode ranges, so maybe it's from the font's OS/2
    > table. The font folks on the list probably know.
    > Murray
    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: []
    > On Behalf Of James Kass
    > Sent: Monday, February 25, 2008 8:56 PM
    > To:
    > Subject: Re: What is a Chinese font?
    > Murray Sargent wrote,
    >> Be sure to include a proper FONTSIGNATURE in your font.
    >> RichEdit (and maybe Word), check the FONTSIGNATURE and
    >> font bind accordingly. If you don't have a proper FONTSIGNATURE,
    >> it may be considered a Western font. Also Word may spot check
    >> for a few Chinese characters before concluding that it's a valid
    >> Chinese font.
    > Another thing to check is the Unicode ranges supported field in
    > the font's OS/2 table. In the font John K. sent, bit 48 was set and
    > bit 59 was not set. Bit 48 is for CJK symbols and punctuation,
    > which this font doesn't cover. Bit 59 is for CJK unified
    > ideographs.
    > By "FONTSIGNATURE", does Murray mean "DSIG" digital signature?
    > If so, the DSIG table is supposed to be optional in TTF/OTF.
    > Best regards,
    > James Kass

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