Re: Entering Unicode

From: Jukka K. Korpela (
Date: Wed Mar 26 2008 - 17:21:46 CST

  • Next message: Kenneth Whistler: "Re: A currency sign for the Rubel?" wrote:

    > Raymond wrote on 2008-03-26 21:21:43:
    >> It is easy if you are writing in Word:
    >> 113 + Ctrl-X will give you ē (=U+0113).
    >> 112 + Ctrl-X gives Ē, and 114 + Ctrl-X gives Ĕ.
    > That should Alt-X, not Ctl-X.

    Yes. The method works in sufficiently new environments - it depends on
    Word and Windows version, and it when it works, it works on Wordpad,
    too, and maybe some other software as well.

    But I wouldn't call it really easy. The Alt-X method is very useful to
    know, since when it works, it lets you enter any Unicode character by
    its code number. But it's not very suitable for everyday use.

    There is a huge number of alternative ways of entering characters, some
    of them very general, some of them rather specialized. If you need, say,
    vowels with macron frequently, you might consider using a keyboard
    layout that lets you type them in some natural way, or maybe defining
    Word shortcuts for them, or "automatic corrections" that convert
    suitable character parts to such letters.

    > And be careful what you put before the 113.


    > Don't put digits 1-9, or
    > characters a-f, or x, or perhaps several other characters.

    The "x" part was new to me, and rather strange. The others are natural,
    since those are hexadecimal digits. E.g., a113 Alt-X would produce the
    Unicode character with code number a113. But what's special about "x"
    here? Anyway, you can circumvent this problem by typing "u+" (letter u
    and plus sign) or "U+" before the number. Word will convert e.g. bu+113
    Alt-X into bē, since it treats the entire string u+113 as the code
    number to be converted to a character.

    > If alt-x
    > doesn't work as expected, try putting a space before the 113 (or
    > before the 0113 which I would expect to have been recommended).

    Leading zeroes don't matter here. And a space isn't practical, since
    Word will leave it as part of data, so you would then have to delete it
    after pressing Alt-X. It's more convenient to use the "u+" prefix here.

    Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca")

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