RE: A currency sign for the Rubel?

From: Erkki I. Kolehmainen (
Date: Thu Mar 27 2008 - 05:56:40 CST

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    Michael Everson wrote:

    >>Michael, we most certainly don't want to repeat the mess with the Euro
    >>Currency Sign.
    >That is entirely unrelated to this, however. Here we are seeing a
    >grass-roots usage of a RUBLE SIGN.
    >It would be problematic were the Central Bank of Russia (Central'nyj
    >bank Rossijskoj Federacii) to choose a different design from what
    >people are actually using.
    >But the EURO-CURRENCY SIGN is a different problem entirely.
    >Michael Everson *

    My point is that none of us control the Central Bank of Russia.
    If they choose differently now or later (or decide not to adapt a currency
    symbol), we'd have the same problem.
    There were people who must have believed in the Euro Currency Sign at the
    time when it was introduced.



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