Re: A currency sign for the Rubel?

From: Jim Melton (
Date: Thu Mar 27 2008 - 11:55:05 CST

  • Next message: Philippe Verdy: "RE: VS: A currency sign for the Rubel?"

    Hmmmm...that raises an interesting question: Has
    it ever happened that a character has been
    encoded prior to knowing what the glyph will
    be? Is this the kind of situation that might
    justify that? I ask mostly out of curiosity, but
    partly of thinking that having an assigned
    Unicode value for the character would avoid
    having the National Bank choosing an encoding and
    thus creating a legacy problem.

    I, too, thought that the character designs were
    quite creative...and ironic in many cases.


    At 3/27/2008 02:39 AM, André Szabolcs Szelp wrote:
    > > That's not the way it works. GOST does not
    > own the Ruble sign. The users do.
    >No, not GOST, but the National Bank of Russia. :-)... kindof:
    >As I understand, national character encoding
    >standards and actual usage in print or
    >manuscript to be edited are reasons for encoding.
    >By user initiative you have to demonstrate some
    >actual usage in print. Due to the note by Adam
    >T. that the final design has not yet been chosen
    >by the national bank, no widespread printed
    >actual usage will be found. Even if you'd do,
    >you'd run into the danger, that an other design
    >is selected finally. It would be unfortunate, if
    >the Unicode Ruble currency sign differed from
    >the one on the ruble notes... would be pretty confusing.

    Jim Melton --- Editor of ISO/IEC 9075-* (SQL) Phone: +1.801.942.0144
       Co-Chair, W3C XML Query WG; XQX (etc.) editor Fax : +1.801.942.3345
    Oracle Corporation Oracle Email: jim dot melton at oracle dot com
    1930 Viscounti Drive Standards email: jim dot melton at acm dot org
    Sandy, UT 84093-1063 USA Personal email: jim at melton dot name
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