Re: Using combining diacritical marks and non-zero joiners in a name

From: Otto Stolz (
Date: Fri Apr 04 2008 - 04:41:42 CST

  • Next message: Andreas Prilop: "Re: Using combining diacritical marks and non-zero joiners in a name"

    Hello Adam Twardoch,

    I had written:
    > - Times New Roman, Verdana, and the various Lucidas,
    > have rectangles (missing-character glyphs), rather than ties;
    > - Palatino Linotype, and Sylfaen, have invisible glyphs,
    > rather than ties;
    > - Tahoma displays ties, but not properly placed;
    > - TITUS Cyberbit Basic displays most of the ties alright,
    > only on “iz”, “jz”, “lz”, and “mz” the ties are not properly placed;
    > - Gentium (from SIL) does an even better job than TITUS Cyberbit Basic;
    > - all fonts tested have no special glyphs for uppercase base characters.

    That was the IE 6 test, on my old Windows XP SP 2 system, using
    - Times New Roman 3.00, last modified 2002-10-18
    - Verdana 2.43, last modified 2001-11-06
    - Lucida Console 1.60, last modified 1998-04-30
    - Lucida Handwriting 1.67, last modified 1999-10-27
    - Lucida Sans 1.01, last modified 1992-05-01
    - Palatino Linotype 1.40, last modified 2000-10-12
    - Sylfaen 1.00, last modified 1999-08-23
    - Tahoma 3.14, last modified 2004-06-17
    - TITUS Cyberbit Basic 2000; 3.0, initial release, last modified 2003-05-17
    - Gentium 1.01; 2003, initial SIL release, last modified 2003-09-10

    You have written:
    > The versions or Arial, Times New
    > Roman and Tahoma shipping with older systems (Windows XP, Mac OS X 10.4)
    > differ massively from the recent versions (Windows Vista, Mac OS X 10.5)
    > when it comes to character set coverage.

    Thank you for that hint.

    Best wishes,
       Otto Stolz

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