(i)rregular number of columns in CJK code charts

From: Tjebbe van Tijen (tjebbe@imaginarymuseum.org)
Date: Fri May 16 2008 - 10:16:59 CDT

  • Next message: Andreas Prilop: "Re: Exemplifying apostrophes"

    The regularity of the Unicode grid as expressed in its code charts
    with its 16 rows and a fixed number of columns for each code block
    has been a 'marvel' to me, till today when I discovered that also
    this rule has its exceptions:

    - some of the CJK code blocks that have more than 1 chart can have a
    lesser number of columns for the last code chart

    Like: 2F800 > 2FA1F CJK Compatibility Ideographs Supplement

    which has 12 columns for the first 2/3 charts and 11 columns for the
    last chard

    This exception seems not to occur with the non CJK code charts.

    Just out of curiosity - because I am studying what could be called
    the "spatial architecture of the Unicode" -
    why is it that this in my view useful/nice regularity has its

    NB I discovered it because I added a simple calculation to my Unicode
    table of Unicode blocks

    (codepoints/16) / ceiling(codepoints/256)

    Tjebbe van Tijen
    Imaginary Museum Projects
    Dramatizing Historical Information

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