Re: Stateful?

From: Behnam (
Date: Tue May 27 2008 - 14:12:06 CDT

  • Next message: Kenneth Whistler: "Markup for Language (was: Re: Exemplifying apostrophes)"

    On 27-May-08, at 12:30 PM, John H. Jenkins wrote:

    > While true, all this is really a red herring, since statefulness
    > isn't the main issue. UTF-16, after all, is stateful: if you lose
    > the BOM, things can look very different.
    > Unicode's criterion is minimal legibility: Information which, if
    > lost, has no or very little impact on the ability of the end-user
    > to read the text is, as a rule, considered formatting information
    > and something to be handled by higher-level protocols. I can read
    > the word "chat" even if I don't know whether it's English or French
    > and therefore what it means.

    On the positive side, rtl should never be lost, ever.
    On the negative side... that's not the case!


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