RE: Glottal stop languages

From: Philippe Verdy (
Date: Fri May 30 2008 - 17:14:34 CDT

  • Next message: Mark Leisher: "CSets 2.1 released" wrote:
    > "André Szabolcs Szelp" <> wrote on 05/30/2008 02:40:15
    > > While "usual" letters (q, etc.) do arguably have nothing to do with
    > > your research, Karl's proposal of adding the period-designated
    > > glottals does seem to make sense, as it's a related convention as in
    > > using punctuation mark(s) for glottals.
    > yes. if nothing else, it's very interesting! People have done some wierd
    things to represent glottals!

    Not just glottals, but various consonnants unpronouncable in usual European
    languages written with the Latin script, and not even approximated but kept
    mute. This also concerns other sounds like clicks.
    But even with pronouncable consonnants various orthographies are used, look
    for example:
    q, qu, kh, x, gh, ch, gu, c'h, r, rr, rrh, rh, j, zh, l·l, dl, ll, lh, ...
    The orthography is largely influenced by the phonology, i.e. the perception
    of sounds considered as "equivalent" in each language, but certainly not by
    phonetics (because most languages have various accents and phonetic
    realizations of the "same" letters).
    A good news is that most languages have also made evolutions to their
    orthographies, in order to adapt either to the evolution of the phonology,
    to the growing borrowed words from foreign languages, the influence of other
    dominant languages, or to technical limitations.
    At least thetechnical limitations that were experienced in the early day of
    evolution to computing environments or even mechanical typesetting, are
    starting to disappear. The ambiguous use of punctuation will not get the
    favor of the public that are more aware of the existence of other better
    characters that are already supported; the bad news is that such evolution
    is progressive and takes considerable time in comparison to the development
    cycles in the computing industry that constantly generates huge amount of
    already encoded texts (that no one is really willing to convert now).

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