Re: Capital Sharp S in the News

Date: Thu Jul 03 2008 - 19:36:44 CDT

  • Next message: Doug Ewell: "Re: Capital Sharp S in the News"

    Quoting "Mark E. Shoulson" <>:

    > Gerrit Sangel wrote:
    >> Am Donnerstag 03 Juli 2008 schrieben Sie:
    >>> One problem not addressed by just a new character code or just new
    >>> uppercase rules is that the German keyboard has '?' in the shift
    >>> position for the key that produces the sharp s. Unfortunately, that's
    >>> not a rare symbol - way more frequently used than an uppercase sharp s.
    >>> As a result, I fear, the inertia and/or resistance will impede a shift
    >>> to a keyboard layout that implements the sharp s as a regular shift-pair.
    >> The entire ß key does not have any space for the capital ß any
    >> more. The only way (which would make sense) would be AltGr+S.
    >> But if the keyboard producers manage to put the capital ß on the
    >> keyboard, I am really angry.
    > Whatever the need is for a capital ß, there is no need for a key for
    > it. It exists only for all-caps settings. Seems that the best plan
    > would be to make the key that renders ß give the capital form when the
    > caps-lock is active. That might be a problem; keyboard drivers might
    > not be able to treat caps-lock differently from shift. But that's what
    > makes the most sense. And if you're the kind of person who types in
    > all-caps without using caps-lock, just holding down shift by hand...
    > well, you can learn to make an exception if it's so important to you.

    Keyboard drivers can be set to do almost anything. Having both AltGr+S
    and caps-lock active S for capital ß is certainly not a problem. The
    question is more what will be default setting for a German keyboard,
    and what are options that one must specifically select.

    John Knightley

    > ~mark

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