Date: Sun Dec 28 2008 - 13:57:03 CST
Quoting "James Kass" <>:
> inclusion based on usage. More detail here:
> Quoting from the web page linked above,
> "A single appearance (or even several clustered appearances) of a
> word in print is not a guarantee that it will be included in the
> OED: the word may enjoy a brief flurry of popularity before
> disappearing for ever. Oxford Dictionaries record how the
> English language is used by a large number of people over
> a reasonable period of time, and many "coinages" never
> attain any kind of currency."
In theory the same criteria of usage by a large number of people over
a reasonable period of time usually applies to unicode, though not it
would appear in the case of emoji.
John Knightley
> Best regards,
> James Kass
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