Re: Emoji: emoticons vs. literacy

From: Doug Ewell (
Date: Sat Jan 03 2009 - 13:50:08 CST

  • Next message: Erkki I. Kolehmainen: "RE: Emoji: emoticons vs. literacy"

    Leo Broukhis <leob at mailcom dot com> wrote:

    >> (I almost wrote "chirping." Are audio-enabled characters on the
    >> horizon?)
    > I pray that Smell-o-Vision (cf. wiki) never materialize.

    About 15 years ago, Microsoft sold a small package of sound bites that
    could be inserted into Word or WordPad documents. These included short
    spoken phrases like "Good work!" or "Make a choice!" which might be
    added by a manager reviewing a subordinate's report. This was in the
    declining days of the period when people still thought it would be a
    Really Neat Idea™ for workers in a quiet office/cubicle environment to
    talk to their computers and have them talk back.

    Suppose this idea had caught on, and Microsoft wanted Live Search to be
    able to find these sound bites in documents on the Web, just as Google
    wants to be able to find inline images in documents on the Web. The
    analogy is not as far-fetched as it might seem.

    Doug Ewell  *  Thornton, Colorado, USA  *  RFC 4645  *  UTN #14  ˆ

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