From: Christopher Fynn (
Date: Sun Jan 04 2009 - 06:38:15 CST
Christopher Fynn wrote:
> James Kass wrote:
>> Due to apparent problems with e-mail distribution, I will
>> be dropping my normal practice of fiddling with the "To:"
>> and "cc:" fields for the duration. Sorry if this means
>> some of you will sometimes get two copies of my posts.
> Yes - what's going on with the list? - three messages I've sent to the
> list today haven't appeared though I've tried to send them three times.
Further to this - if I hit "Reply all" but alter the Subject:, To: or
cc: header fields my messages are not showing up on the list but
disappearing into the ether. Even new posts with a new Subject: disappear.
But, just like James, if I "Reply all" without modifying Subject:, To:
or cc: the post goes through.
Could this have anything to do with the recent demise of -
which is still listed at
- C
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