From: David Starner (
Date: Mon Jan 05 2009 - 17:54:00 CST
On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 12:16 PM, James Kass <> wrote:
> Suppose for a moment that you and I are sociable
> Japanese schoolgirls who use the emoji pictographs
> to spice up our text messages. In response to your
> latest text message, I send:
> That's really a bummer ☠ 'cuz it makes
> me so sad ☹ Ciao fer now <picture of
> a hamburger>
Not a chance. There's no way that on a device so hard to type on that
the emoji would repeat the the text; even adults writing on keyboards
don't bother repeating the content of the emoticons in the main text.
More likely:
☠ ☹ Ciao <picture of a hamburger>
> Since we're both young and carefree, we don't worry
> about whether or not future historians can access
> that hamburger. If it did enter our pretty little heads
> to worry about it,
That same argument could be used to the rest of the characters used in
their messages. Our goal here is not so that the historians can read
these messages, but that her friend can, even if it passes over a
phone network boundary or through a phone to email boundary. Or that
she herself can read these messages if she saves them (like many young
people have saved letters) and wants to read them when she's older,
whether it's on the request of historians searching for information on
her friend the future God-Queen of Greater Pacifica or just relive old
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