Re: Emoji: emoticons vs. literacy

From: James Kass (
Date: Tue Jan 06 2009 - 13:35:24 CST

  • Next message: Markus Scherer: "Re: Emoji zodiac signs (e-02B ... e-037): Symbolic and pictorial variants"

    Asmus Freytag wrote,

    >>> How do the quoted lines above look in your MUA? Plain text with >
    >>> chars, or an indented paragraph with a vertical bar?
    >>> Gmail colors and indents plain text quoted with >'s, and I don't see
    >>> anyone complaining.
    >> And this has nothing to do with modes. It is simply a different way
    >> to display the nested quotes.
    >And fragile apparently, see James' troubles with this convention a few
    >posts later in this thread.

    Asmus refers to a related thread on a different list.

    If you send me an HTML-mail I have to manually insert the ">"
    characters which are expected to be entered automatically if
    I select plain-text mode to reply. (This happens under certain conditions using the on-line web mail interface of a different
    service provider.)

    Why this link bounces your HTML mails and why plain-text is better:
    (dated but makes good points when not bashing)

    "E-mail is not a platform for design"
    (relatively short, controversial article with about a zillion comments)

    HTML mails take up about three times as much disk space as their
    plain-text counterparts. Those of us who keep archive copies of
    everything year after year really have to bear an unwanted and
    unneeded burden. Every time we back-up files, it takes a bit longer.
    Every time we search our hard drives in all directory/all file mode,
    the search takes a bit longer. Every time we search through just
    the e-mail archive to try to find a specific message, the search takes
    a bit longer.

    Best regards,

    James Kass

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.5 : Tue Jan 06 2009 - 13:37:24 CST