RE: UTF-8 and string manipulations in Java

From: Phillips, Addison (
Date: Wed Jan 07 2009 - 15:53:20 CST

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    If you don't specify an encoding, the default encoding or default platform encoding is used.



    Addison Phillips
    Globalization Architect -- Lab126

    Internationalization is not a feature.
    It is an architecture.

    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: []
    > Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2009 1:47 PM
    > To: Phillips, Addison;
    > Subject: RE: UTF-8 and string manipulations in Java
    > Addison,
    > Thank you very much, this is very helpful!
    > Can you clarify one point:
    > You commented: "...a conversion is performed to an external
    > character encoding which may be UTF-8 or some legacy encoding---or
    > even UTF-16, if you so specify."
    > Question: Where would you normally specify external character
    > encoding?
    > Thank you,
    > Konstantin Tadenev
    > Database Architect
    > Enterprise Information Architecture
    > Phone: (201) 828-4076
    > Location: Mahwah (RO3C-123)
    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: Phillips, Addison []
    > Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2009 3:36 PM
    > To: Tadenev Konstantin (EXT3TWK);
    > Subject: RE: UTF-8 and string manipulations in Java
    > Hi Konstantin,
    > > 1. java.lang.String expects UTF-8 data and any data manipulations
    > appear to a Java programmer as being performed in UTF-8
    > This is not correct. Java.lang.String is a Unicode string type--an
    > array of UTF-16 code units. That is the internal encoding of String
    > is UTF-16. Some methods exist (post 1.5) for manipulating Unicode
    > code points (i.e. UTF-16 surrogate pairs are treated as a single
    > character).
    > All external data consists of bytes. To create a String, a
    > character encoding must be used to convert the bytes to String's
    > internal encoding (which, as mentioned, is UTF-16). Depending on
    > how you access the data, various character encodings may be the
    > default value. Usually it is best to specify the encoding, as with
    > InputStreamReader, the String ctor, etc.
    > Since you are a database architect, you may mean that data in JDBC
    > is UTF-8. The encoding uses actually depends on the database driver
    > vendor's implementation, although many drivers (such as Oracle's)
    > do use UTF-8 on the wire. With JDBC, the conversion between the
    > database's internal (native) encoding and String's internal UTF-16
    > encoding is invisible, and, in fact, not under programmatic control.
    > Accessing a varchar in the database via JDBC is basically
    > transparent: you read it as a String object from the ResultSet.
    > Finally, Java has a "UTF-8-like" serialization for String objects
    > that is based on UTF-8, but this is internal to Java and should not
    > be confused with either the encoding used by String or with a valid
    > access method for strings.
    > > 2. Internally, when a string manipulation method is invoked (e.g.,
    > length(), charAt(int), etc.), Java converts the string content to
    > UTF-16, performs the requested manipulation and converts the
    > content back to UTF-8. None of this is visible to the Java
    > developer
    > This is not correct. The string content actually is UTF-16 all the
    > time when in a String object. When you extract bytes from a String,
    > a conversion is performed to an external character encoding which
    > may be UTF-8 or some legacy encoding---or even UTF-16, if you so
    > specify. On some platforms, the default platform encoding is UTF-8,
    > but in other cases, it isn't.
    > Hope that helps,
    > Addison
    > Addison Phillips
    > Globalization Architect -- Lab126
    > Internationalization is not a feature.
    > It is an architecture.
    > From: []
    > On Behalf Of
    > Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2009 7:42 AM
    > To:
    > Subject: UTF-8 and string manipulations in Java
    > Hello,
    > I have a question on Java internal data manipulations as they
    > pertain to UTF-8 strings.
    > Are these statements correct?
    > 1. java.lang.String expects UTF-8 data and any data manipulations
    > appear to a Java programmer as being performed in UTF-8
    > 2. Internally, when a string manipulation method is invoked (e.g.,
    > length(), charAt(int), etc.), Java converts the string content to
    > UTF-16, performs the requested manipulation and converts the
    > content back to UTF-8. None of this is visible to the Java
    > developer
    > I would appreciate any insight...
    > Thank you,
    > Konstantin Tadenev
    > UPS
    > Database Architect
    > Enterprise Information Architecture
    > Location RO3C-123
    > 340 McArthur Blvd
    > Mahwah, NJ 07430
    > Phone: (201) 828-4076

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