From: Adam Twardoch (
Date: Fri Jan 09 2009 - 06:15:44 CST
John Hudson wrote:
> to encode emoji and similar non-text content
I'm sorry, but I fail to see how emoji is non-text. To me, emoji are
very much text -- as I wrote before, they're the new, vastly extended
set of punctuation characters.
The exclamation sign and the question mark (in various combinations)
convey information about the tonality and other non-verbal aspects of
speech recorded in writing. They've been a simple convention used in
long continuous texts such as those produced in the Middle Ages.
But today, I don't see any difference between "--", ":)" and ":P" --
they are all imperfect ASCII representations of more elaborate signs.
"--" stands for "—", ":)" stands for "☺" and the proper representation
of ":P" is not yet encoded.
Emoji are not non-text signs, they are non-verbal signs, just like the
traditional punctuation signs. I see no reason why they should not be
-- Adam Twardoch | Language Typography Unicode Fonts OpenType | | | I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me. (Hunter S. Thompson)
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