Re: Flag Symbols

From: Karl Pentzlin (
Date: Sun Jan 11 2009 - 10:21:24 CST

  • Next message: Peter Zilahy Ingerman, PhD: "Re: Flag Symbols"

    Am Sonntag, 11. Januar 2009 um 16:53 schrieb John Hudson:

    JH> They also tend to change when regimes change. Further, encoding flags is
    JH> a major political hot potato, since it implies choices about recognition
    JH> of states and non-state authorities. Not only countries have flags, but
    JH> also every group of people who *want* to have a country. Some of those
    JH> people end up getting countries. Not all of those countries are
    JH> universally recognised by other states. It's a mess.

    L2/08-305 deals with all this issues.

    - Karl Pentzlin

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