From: Rick McGowan (
Date: Mon Jan 12 2009 - 13:12:24 CST
Jukka K. Korpela wrote:
> The whole case of "corporate logos" (actually, registered symbols of
> companies - they're largely not logos, really) is a lawyers' case...
> There's not much practical harm caused by the exclusion of "logos",
> but it's pointless and even ridiculous - an unnecessary exception.
However, in my opinion there would be significant "practical harm"
created by the *addition* of company logos and trademarked symbols. We
would certainly see a constant stream of requests to add such characters
to the standard, as all those companies would quickly get on the
bandwagon and view it as a great source of free advertising and
legitimacy. I never under-estimate the ability of corporations to find
new ways of getting their names and logos in front of more eyes!
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