Encoding corporate logos by paid request

From: Karl Pentzlin (karl-pentzlin@acssoft.de)
Date: Tue Jan 13 2009 - 06:51:06 CST

  • Next message: ktadenev@ups.com: "RE: Encoding corporate logos by paid request"

    Am Dienstag, 13. Januar 2009 um 12:05 schrieb Andrew West
    (Re: Emoji-- all or nothing?):

    AW> ... we could designate Plane 13 as a Corporate Use Area, and
    AW> accept registrations of corporate logos as characters in this plane
    AW> (let's call it the "Corporate Registration Allocated Plane") at $1,000
    AW> a character -- and the money Unicode earns from it could be put
    AW> towards encoding real scripts and characters.

    This idea seems in fact to be noteworthy, while it must be accompanied
    by some principles.
    For instance, the price for the first two code points must be high enough
    (i.e. some USD X0,000) to engage a lawyer to formulate such principles in
    a way that neither the UTC nor ISO have to bother about legal questions
    in the future, and Microsoft and Apple must agree in fact to buy these code
    points for their well-known symbols which occur in the PUA of many fonts.

    Even for the subsequent code points, USD 10,000 seems more appropriate
    than USD 1,000 (as it is an one-time fee).

    Such rules probably must ensure:
    - The symbol must be proven as registered trademark in a number of
      countries (e.g. representing a certain percentage of the world's
      population), unless it is definitively non-commercial (e.g.
      religious or political).
    - The UTC as well as SC2/WG2 may reject any character without giving
      a reason (thus, any character which may be offensive to anyone may
      be rejected without problems).
    - A black-and-white printable representative glyph must be given if
      it is not obvious for the symbol.
    - The symbol underlies the Unicode stability principles, thus if the
      buyer changes its logo they may buy another code point for the new
    - Everybody is allowed to include the symbol itself as well as its
      representative glyph or glyph variants of it into fonts, databases
      or other symbol collections, using any technology (e.g. storing,
      printing), without any charge or obligation, and the buyer agrees
      to hold anybody who does such including free from demands or remedies.
    - The buyer in fact buys nothing than the promise that the code point
      will not be used otherwise. All rights to use the symbol or to
      restrict the use of it for others others are these which are already
      there (e.g. trademark rights). Especially, the user does not get any
      rights on the binary string given by the code point's number.

    - Karl Pentzlin

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