Re: Großes Eszett

From: James Kass (
Date: Thu Jan 22 2009 - 03:34:00 CST

  • Next message: Richard Ishida: "RE: Obsolete characters"

    Dominikus Scherkl wrote,

    >> U+1E9E (ẞ) in the chart displays just fine here with Internet Explorer 7.
    >What I see in this place is an uppercase T with short stem below
    >(both on the website and in this eMail).
    >So I don't know how the system choose a replacement glyph....

    I checked the installed fonts here using BabelPad's character map
    feature. In the application with the character map fired up and
    pointing to the range which includes U+1E9E, the user can click
    on the pull-down menu arrow next to the font name and then use
    the up/down-pointing arrow keys to scroll through the installed

    On this system (Win XP), only two installed fonts have anything
    mapped to U+1E9E. One of the fonts has CAPITAL SHARP S and
    the other has the hex code point in a square. Either is OK, the
    hex-code-point-in-a-square font is, of course, a fall-back font.

    On the original web page, this system's Internet Explorer grabbed
    the CAPITAL SHARP S from the serif font here which includes it.
    Even though it looked kind of funky in the sans-serif title, it
    was an acceptable font substitution.

    However any system chooses a replacement glyph, it would be
    better to show a ".notdef" empty rectangle glyph than to choose
    an unrelated glyph from some phantom mystery font.

    Best regards,

    James Kass

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