Re: Draft proposal for inclusion of the Chinook script in Unicode

From: Doug Ewell (
Date: Wed Feb 11 2009 - 22:48:21 CST

  • Next message: William J Poser: "Re: Draft proposal for inclusion of the Chinook script in Unicode"

    <vanisaac at boil dot afraid dot org> wrote:

    > Ever since I saw Chinook on the SMP roadmap, I've been dabbling with a
    > proposal for including the Chinook script. The link below is what I
    > have right now (along with about 3MB of gif images on my harddrive),
    > and I'm looking for criticism, help, praise, and thoughts as to the
    > wisdom of proceeding.
    > PS, If anyone has subscription access to the digital library Early
    > Canadiana Online (, I would appreciate your assistance
    > in obtaining some of their archived scans of the Wawa texts in the
    > Chinook script. The Library of Congress has been annoyingly vague
    > about the cost and possibility of obtaining scans of texts from their
    > rare book collection.

    As a quick observation, you might want to avoid the heading "Normative
    Glyph Shapes" on one of your tables. AFAIK there is no such concept in
    Unicode, except perhaps for some classes of symbols.

    For those who are interested, the "Chinook and Shorthand Rudiments"
    primer from 1898 is available on Michael Everson's site:

    Doug Ewell  *  Thornton, Colorado, USA  *  RFC 4645  *  UTN #14  ˆ

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