Re: India seeks Rupee status symbol

From: Raymond Mercier (
Date: Tue Mar 10 2009 - 16:08:15 CST

  • Next message: Michael Everson: "Re: India seeks Rupee status symbol"

    Kenneth Whistler writes

    >I suggest we don't. That is just a silly idea, after the "Rs"
    >U+20A8 RUPEE SIGN has been in the standard for 18 years.

    It's a lot older than that. I have a volume of a journal dated 1902 with "Price Rs. 9-0 per annum", printed on the cover (note the italics).
    In any case not every font has a good version : Times New Roman and Tahoma give Rp, not Rs. As far as I have checked only Doulos SIL and Arial Unicode have Rs.

    Raymond Mercier

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