Re: Does OpenOffice 3.0 handle unicode?

From: Roozbeh Pournader (
Date: Sun Mar 22 2009 - 21:14:11 CST

  • Next message: Arno Schmitt: "Searching for Miikka-Markus Alhonen"

    On Sun, 2009-03-22 at 17:37 +0530, Mahesh T. Pai wrote:
    > > AFAIK OpenOffice uses the ICU library on linux. Other programs build upon the ICU
    > > (such as xetex) work without any problem with SMP characters.
    > True; even Pango is likely to be outdated.

    Outdated how? As far as I can tell, Pango tends to support the latest
    version of Unicode in each release, and major releases happen every six
    months. Support for non-BMP characters has also been in Pango (and the
    rest of GNOME) for years now.

    Also, Unicode 5.1 support has been in Pango since March 2008, a short
    while before the official release of the standard update itself in early
    April 2008.


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