Re: Old Hungarian at SC2/WG2

From: Joó Ádám (
Date: Thu Mar 26 2009 - 16:11:05 CST

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    Dear Erkki,

    I personally met Bakonyi Gábor on 20th February and discussed this
    matter. Unfortunately I have to say that he’s totally unwilling to
    make any compromises, which, considering the lack of respect towards
    Unicode’s and general character encoding principles in his proposal,
    as well as ignoring user needs, leads to the conclusion that we can no
    longer consider his proposition as a real alternative.

    I’m not happy about that, and I can only hope that WG2 has the wisdom
    and goodwill not to further set back the encoding of Old Hungarian,
    already pending for more than 10 years now, just because the presence
    of multiple inadequate proposals.

    Best regards,

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