Re: Rendering of Candrabindhu & Visarga Dual Combination in Indic Scripts

From: Kess Vargavind (
Date: Wed May 06 2009 - 15:36:26 CDT

  • Next message: Arno Schmitt: "Re: Berber and Maghribi letters"

    Sorry about that, it was Andreas Prilop and not Doug I was quoting.
    Please excuse my sub-par copy and pasting techniques.

    2009/5/6 Kess Vargavind <>:
    >> On Tue, 5 May 2009, Doug Ewell wrote:
    >> repha above vowel letter R
    >>     र्ऋ
    > I would say by writing U+0930 U+0943 (रृ rr̥). Whether it is displayed
    > as “r-hook above vocalic r” or “vocalic r beneath ra” depends on font
    > though.

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