Re: Dozenal chars in music

From: John H. Jenkins (
Date: Tue May 19 2009 - 13:01:32 CDT

  • Next message: Hans Aberg: "Re: Dozenal chars in music"

    在 May 19, 2009 11:50 AM 時, Thomas LAMBERT 寫到:

    > Also, note that the Grin report concluded that using esperanto for
    > UE (instead of traducting a number of languages) could save 25
    > billions euros each year.
    > In french here :
    > Oddly it's not in english WP. Well, probably not in esperanto WP
    > either.

    It's mentioned in the Esperanto article on Grin himself <çois_Gri

    John H. Jenkins

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