Re: Dozenal chars in music

From: Mark Davis (
Date: Sat May 23 2009 - 15:03:16 CDT

  • Next message: Julian Bradfield: "Re: Dozenal chars in music"

    On Sat, May 23, 2009 at 11:39, Julian Bradfield
    > wrote:

    > On 2009-05-22, Mark Davis <> wrote:
    > > I had it on an old page; just copied up to
    > >
    > Very nice! But why do you think Szilard is pronounced with /z/?

    > Not in Hungarian, and I can't see why it should have been different in
    > English.

    If anything, one's expectations would be that the name would be pronounced
    differently, more in accordance with native associations with letters: "Jan"
    in English vs German, for example.

    Non-initial silent S is easy to find; this was the only initial case I could

    > Why not use any sh- word?

    Because "ʃ" is the expected pronunciation. "S" as in "ship" is not

    > --
    > The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
    > Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

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