Re: Fonts across platforms....

From: Ed Trager (
Date: Wed Jun 03 2009 - 14:33:53 CDT

  • Next message: Christopher Fynn: "Re: Fonts across platforms...."

    What version of Open Office?

    Can the document be displayed correctly using the Free/Libre Open
    DejaVu font on both Windows and Open Office? Or not?

    On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 2:25 PM, Damon Anderson <> wrote:
    > Ok, I'm a bit confused here... I understand that the major barrier to
    > display of Unicode lies in fonts, but how does this relate to platforms? I
    > have a document composed in OpenOffice on Windows using the Verdana font and
    > the Unikey unicode keyboard driver for Vietnamese. I open the same document
    > in my OpenOffice on Linux (Kubuntu) after installing the Verdana font and
    > many of diacritical marks are now on the wrong letters or shifted to the
    > right one character space. If even the font displays aren't consistent
    > across platforms where in lies the problem and how can I distribute
    > consistently displayed documents?
    > --
    > Damon Anderson, Business Director
    > Corigo Việt Nam
    > 391B Lý Thường Kiệt
    > P.9, Q. Tân Bình
    > Hồ Chí Minh City, Vietnam
    > Mobile: +84 90 834-2421
    > Email:

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